Ep 0013 - Armour Astir (2020)


Cover Image

This time around we’re discussing something a little bit different but equally or perhaps even more homoerotic than our usual fare, the Tabletop RPG Armour Astir: Advent by Briar Sovereign.

Content warnings for this episode: Discussions of manipulation, warfare, visualizations of blood and violence, depictions of child soldiers, references to trauma and representations of PTSD.

Pick up a Copy at Itch.io

Support indie makers of TTRPGs, and make potentially gay robots with your friends.

Our theme is “She Loves Your Fusion” by PartyFactor on Pixabay. Other sound effects also sourced from Pixabay. Any and all clips of copyrighted media are included for transformative use or commentary, and On the Shoulders of Giants makes no claim of ownership on the sampled audio.

Mechs Discussed

Build Your Own!

We discussed a tool and game system you can use to make cool Mechs, the following are sample pages from the playbook to give you exposure to what a Mech COULD look like and what the content of the game is like.

Link to itch.io