Ep 0030 - G-Saviour (1999)


Cover Image

This time around we’re discussing the only Gundam timeline that truly matters, G-Saviour!

Content warnings for this episode: fascism, starvation, gun violence, warfare, Nazi imagery.

Our theme is “She Loves Your Fusion” by PartyFactor on Pixabay. Other sound effects also sourced from Pixabay. Any and all clips of copyrighted media are included for transformative use or commentary, and On the Shoulders of Giants makes no claim of ownership on the sampled audio.

Mechs Discussed

MMS-DS209 Guppy

Link to Theme Song

CCMS-03 Bugu

Link to Theme Song


Link to Theme Song

RGM-196 Freedom

Link to Theme Song

I-SAVIOUR Illusion

Link to Theme Song

Cool Factor(tm) Score











*Author's Note: PMC's Score is a "Gentlemen's 7"

Other Images of Things Discussed

orbiting colonies called... sides
piloting (casual)
223 UC
checkin out the hanger
most well ventilated prison
mac guffin
cominng to WB this summer
the hangerrrr
the hats
side 4 lol
serving c- drinks
mister guffin
opera be like
money shot (200 m yen)
vancouver check-in
the accident
the year is 0223 UC
the vibes
the g-saviourrrr
"would you like to come cheat on your wife with me?"
vancouver check in
it's been 10 minutes on gaea
battlestar command bridge
oh they goin full fash
RGM cockpit
launch the jims
space battle
lemmings lining up
rgm fight screen
explosion effect wow!
laaaaaunch (evil)
ms rai cock pit
laaaaunch (good)
mirror fighting
the final fight
non-lethal damage
save us illuminati!!
i saviour cockpit
the i saviourrrr
trans (formation scene)
so i started blasting
oh noooooo
vancouver check in
"i'll go to federal prison with you"
vancouver o7


G-Saviour is most well known for being the “Live Action” Gundam, but it’s also known for being the first CG Gundam series. CGI is a, to put it lightly, controversial topic in the anime discussion space. Like any art medium, the way it’s used and how it’s presented can make something amazing, or something that’s a piece of shit. Now, we can all agree that G-Saviour falls into the former category, a masterpiece even by today’s CGI standards, but not everyone feels that way. No matter how much you might like something, there’s a poster on the internet ready to tell you you’re wrong.

Alice has scoured the internet for reviews, but not just from G-Saviour, she also grabbed some from the worst rated CGI Anime ever made. These anime are so bad, even Alice struggled to watch them. (She still watched them, but it was hard!) This game is simple, you’re going to be read a portion of a review Alice pulled from the internet and tell me what the review was for. Stealing is of course, on the table.

The choices are, “G-Saviour", “HandShakers", “EX-ARM", or “Berserk (2016)"

"The fights are okay and the large use of CGI at first feels jarring; But just like the art style, it quickly grows on you. There really isn’t much going for the anime. The atmospheric tone of the setting is very colorful, with a pretty yet odd style of art. The music does an alright job of setting a proper tone for the scenes. The story overall falls short and is too predictable."
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Handshakers Review

“I still fail to see why having a staff experienced in live action versus CGI or animation or anything else would be a reasonable excuse for the script. Blame bad translation all you want, likely fictional defender of “this media,” but those words had to come from somewhere.”
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Ex-ARM Review

"The CGI was, in my opinion, horrible. The actual 3D models were horrible, and looked nothing like the actually decent lineart. The animation was just terrible. Really, didn't even flow. Even the particle effects were bad. Just bad all around, in my opinion. A game of Quake III...no, Quake II was better looking. If not the original Quake. “
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G-Saviour Review

“First, the source material is very deep and hard to mess up. Second, The storyline works as a good follow up to the old anime. Third and most importantly, The animation just sucks and you'll have to get over it to enjoy it.”
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Berserk (2016) Review

“The CGI, for the most part, is flat, lacking lots of detail and shadows. When it’s not CGI, the traditional is reminiscent of Marvel, inferior and cheap looking. I’m not sure why both styles are even present. “
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Berserk (2016) Review

“The writing is bad, the characters are bland, the CG is ugly even by the standards of its time. It looks and feels cheap. Clearly no one making it cares about the source material. Yes, I do own it on DVD. Why do you ask?”
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G-Saviour Review

“It seems like the makers didn't even try! There's little to no effort put in this...thing. And that's perceptible IN EVERY FRAME! If you want to tell a story, you must have a story to tell! It makes so many, so elementary mistakes, that i just feel betrayed. It's like watching a mirror that is punching one in the face!"
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Handshakers Review

“It’s honestly not that bad. A bit slow? Yeah. Cheesy as hell? Absolutely. Confusing and weird. 100%. But it does something different and honestly the overall story is pretty solid. Dodgy acting here and there notwithstanding,”
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G-Saviour Review

“I have a certain fondness for this silly TV sci-fi aesthetic that has been cultivated by MST3K for many years. I like pew-pew lasers. I like lots of meaningless flashing lights. I like “expert” computer technicians who bash a few keys to get everything done. I like random orders shouted in all directions. There’s a certain goofy, earnest charm to G-Saviour, like the whole cast knows they’re in a silly B-level sci-fi flick and don’t care.”
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G-Saviour Review

“The work appears to be quite interesting. The art reveal a strong inspiration from Raphael's sweet line (in fact the figures on the cover are shaded, often showing the character underneath). The perspective is all too present, so much so that the use of CGI for the representation of the characters is noticeable (as opposed to the Leonardian perspective, characterized by a soft chromatic perspective). The musculature of the characters recalls that of Michelangelo, but contrasts with his gentle movements given the wooden and awkward animation. The writing is clearly inspired by Alfieri's tragedies, reporting a heroic protagonist with a titanic destiny, both in battles and in the role played, and with impossible congratulations. Tasso is another of the great authors revisited by this series, masterfully enveloping the Christian morality of concupiscence in the animations, which ironically depict female charms, and through the transversal inclusion of the characters themselves. Finally, there is the modern, almost cyberpunk key to the plot itself. The events unfold their lives in a futuristic and dystopian universe, thus taking up Orwell's stories. So, 10/10 for writing a work containing every single periodic element necessary to achieve viewer captivation.”
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Ex-ARM Review